I’m afraid this post comes with a bit of a smug warning, as it’s been on of those perfect weekends. You know, the ones where it feels like you’re on the best holiday ever despite the fact you’re just round the corner from your house. I don’t care what they say, there’s nothing better than a sunny weekend in London town, and it’s been an absolute scorcher in the Costa del Dalston.
SaturdayI had friends visiting yesterday, so there was no choice but to head down to Broadway market/ London Fields for a spot of scoffing and posing. Apart from a spot of sunburn (I seemed to forget I was white yesterday – bag for London fields contained camera, phone, wallet, water, cider…practical as ever), and a shooting (which brought everyone down to reality with a bump), it was a brrrriliant day.

I debuted my new blue visor, which I got after seeing the Beauty girls had called a selection in for an upcoming shoot, and realised it’s absolutely what I needed this summer. Cheap and practical – what’s not to love? (YES, I told you I was sunburnt - SO not chic)!
We even managed to round it all off by stumbling upon the perfect summer party. Perfect I hear you say, I don’t believe it! Well I’m sorry, but it’s true…and just to rub it in, here’s why…
A. It was on a roof. All the best parties take place on roofs. There’s something insanely glamorous and uninhibited about a party on a roof.
B. The party basics were all on point – delish bbq, cold beer and good music.
C. We weren’t really invited. Well, we were, but only because we were walking past. Nothing like a spot of spontaneity to break up the 9 -5.
D. It was full of beautiful interesting people we didn’t know, but wanted to.
E. It was all for a good cause – raising money for a film project in the Brazil’s biggest Favela.

Cla and Suz up on the roof - purtey!
Obv’s I did a spot of style spotting in-between drinks, and here’s my best dressed girl and boy…..
Sebadee SmithLooks easy, but it’s not – it’s not every man who can carry off a turn-up. I’ve always had a thing for the preppy look, and love Sebadee’s naughty boy twist on it.
Lovely lady (yes, no name, oops)! Jumpsuit right? Wrong. It’s actually a top and trousers, which infuriatingly she brought for the insanely bargainous price of £2 on Roman Road….and that’s exactly where you’ll find me next Saturday!
SundayJust to fulfil the twee Hackney-ite stereotype I wandered down to Columbia Road this morning – mainly because I finally acknowledged that I could probably do with a spot of exercise, but couldn’t face the gym. It was delightful and very much like stepping into a Richard Curtis film, so look away now if happy smiley people being organic and fairtrade turns you stomach….

Brought these vintag-y buttons for £4, which I thought was quite a steal. Not sure exactly what I'm going to do with them yet - any suggestions??

My exotic bouquet, and seriously good coffee, mmm mmm mmm. I'm such a caffeine snob, and this one really hit the spot.

Me and me Hyacinths. You can't beat them, so stylish and fragrant - happy days!