Oh yes. This weekend I crossed the line from fashion voyeur to dress maker...well ish. To be honest I can’t really take much of the credit – it was mainly down to my fantastically talented friend Irena. Irena’s one of those incredibly irritating people who will wear something utterly beautiful and lust-worthy, and then when you ask her where it’s from will tell you she made it - grrrr. Anyway after a little hinting Irena offered to help me (and our friend Henri) get a little creative. Our journey started about a month ago with a trip to a fantastic fabric shop (the location of which I’ve been sworn to secrecy), where for once I was rather restrained and only brought one piece of striped jersey. Anyway, yesterday was Maxi-D day (as Irena named it), and was honestly the most fun I’ve had in ages….here’s what happened…

Inspiration A: Acne's infamous extreme stripe cotton-jersey dress, £120

Inspiration B: Helmut Lang’s mucho sexy side-split jersey maxi dress, £180

Moi practising my sewing skills. I can go slow and straight, and am most proud of this!

Irena making the pattern. I have absolutely no idea how she did this. It was like watching magic. No matter how closely I watched her I couldn’t get my head around it.

Cutting the material. I had a little go at this, although being jersey it was easier watched than done!

The final product – maxi dress heaven! I honestly couldn’t love it more - you likey?
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