So….you’d think that a Christian Louboutin sample sale would be enough excitement for one day…..maybe even for one lifetime, but not for me. Last night (after the work/ office bit we’re not thinking about) I headed off for a spot more (window) shopping. This time it was all about the sunnies, and not just any sunnies, but exciting new Austrailian ones which have just landed in the UK, thanks to two lovely (and really very clever) ladies called Rebecca and Marie-Claire (introduced to me by my dear friend Jane, aka. Squirrel). Now, I’ve never been to Oz, but I’ve heard rumours that it gets rather warm down under (ahem), and that they know a thing or two about summer gear, so I was super-excited to see what they had to offer. I wasn’t disappointed. There were three brands on display (one was men’s though, so I’m afraid I didn’t pay it much attention – sorry boys). For us lovely ladies there were the spontaneous-purchase-priced Le Specs and the let-me-sleep-on-them Karen Walker’s. I obviously fell head-over-heels (or should I say frames, boom boom) for the Karen Walker’s. Well I would wouldn’t I! More than just sleep on it I thought I’d ask for some expert advice from you guys on which, if any, I should purchase. Ooh, and bare in mind they’re approx. £170 ouch….sorry I mean each!
p.s. all donations welcome!
p.p.s. for those of you who want in on the action both brands will be stocked at Tosho, Urban Outfitters, and soon - handy andy!

Numero uno: Righteous
These jumped out at me straight away, and I was sure they were going to be perfect for me. Round, gold frames, tortoise shell arms – they had my name all over them. Once on my face I wasn’t so sure though…..

Numero dos: Rover
So, not a fan of the name, but these are actually my personal favourites. I’ve convinced myself that fluoro orange goes with….you guessed it, ev-er-y-thing! Please tell me I’m not being totally crazy – these are hot, right?

Numero tres: Number Six
Probably the most sensible and safest option. I do like these, don’t get me wrong, but…..I don’t know, they’re just, like, black. I really do like the thickness of the frame though, and these really would go with a lot I guess. Hhhmmmm…
So, please help me. Be good people, and post your comments/ advice below. Cheers xx
Hello Sisi G, we LOVED meeting you last night! Thank you so much for coming. I love Rover in Fluro orange and Number Six. I think you look even cuter in Number Six though so they've ended up with my ultimate vote. Have a lovely weekend! Becks & MC AKA The Bird House xxx
ReplyDeleteIts gotta be Rover in orange.... fluro fantastic tangerine dream xx MC
ReplyDeleteOh no - two votes....for two different sunnies - this hasn't helped at all!!! Was lovely to finally meet you two too, although look at the pickle you've got me into - and on a bank holiday weekend! xx
ReplyDeletesoul mate here...numero 3 me thinks xxxx
ReplyDeleteCome on SiSi, which ones have you decided on?! x
ReplyDeleteMy head is saying Number Six, my heart is saying purse is saying 'You're broke and about to go freelance - what's wrong with you woman'! xx