This is the fabulous Carol who I met on the tube last night on my way back from a brrrrriliant Harvey Nichols/ Tanqueray Gin No.10 event organised by my wonderful friend Irena (shout out to Hen and Sim who kept me amused with he-larious Percy Pig stories amongst other things). H. Nics events are always the best, as A. they’re at Harvey Nics, and B. they always seem to have a venison based canapĂ©, and I LOVE venison; last night it was mini venison burgers – Sim and I did try getting them to super-size a couple for us, but sadly to no avail. Anyway, it was after 3 too many Tanqueray cocktails that I met Carol. As soon as she stepped into my carriage wielding her camera and giggling I fell in love. I’ve been banging on about wanting blonde hair with pinks highlights for FOREVER….well least since before my birthday which was yonks ago! She’s totally my hairspiration – and what’s more she said she did it herself – jealous! She also told me the best thing about pink hair is that everyone talks to you….people, I can feel a home dye session coming on!!!
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