So, 5 days after I was meant to (and 4 days after I thought I was meant to) see Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland in 3D I’ve actually seen it, and, in my humble opinion (as the girl who cried hysterically through Bride Wars) it was Spectacular Spectacular! I never saw Avatar (really not my cup of chai), so this was my first 3D blockbuster experience, and I thought it was tummy turningly, eye itchingly, formula one heart racingly exhilarating. Johnny Depp was stupendous as ever (sigh), and Helena B-C was devilishly lip-lickingly good as the villainous Queen of Hearts. It was visually beautiful, magically eccentric – utter hum-drum escapism. Good work Mr Burton….everyone else, go see!
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Next time I see a Rabbit Hole I'm jumping in...
So, 5 days after I was meant to (and 4 days after I thought I was meant to) see Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland in 3D I’ve actually seen it, and, in my humble opinion (as the girl who cried hysterically through Bride Wars) it was Spectacular Spectacular! I never saw Avatar (really not my cup of chai), so this was my first 3D blockbuster experience, and I thought it was tummy turningly, eye itchingly, formula one heart racingly exhilarating. Johnny Depp was stupendous as ever (sigh), and Helena B-C was devilishly lip-lickingly good as the villainous Queen of Hearts. It was visually beautiful, magically eccentric – utter hum-drum escapism. Good work Mr Burton….everyone else, go see!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
The FROW is SO last season
The Burberry show is just about to start, and as always it should be a goodun! This season though Britains premiere luxury brand are shaking things up and as ever pushing boundaries by streaming the show LIVE. So sit back, grab a cuppa and watch it here from the comfort of your very own FROW....almost feel sorry for all the fashion editors who have just trotted out in the rain - poor lambs!
Monday, 22 February 2010
No shows for the wicked!
Sadly there was no fashion fun for me today – duty called, and like a dog with a bone I went running. As I padded round the office barefoot in leggings and T (i.e. what I like to think of as my daytime pj’s) drinking copious amounts of anything caffeinated and stealing chocolate biccies off my friends desk I kept one eye on the catwalks through the power of tinternet. Here are my thoughts on LFW Day 4.

Now, this was a confused collection if ever I bumped into one. It started off with some rather nice, very wearable, Osman at his best black jersey dresses. A few looks in I was wondering whether he was going to pick up the baton from his SS10 collection which was all white, and do the all black thing this time. Sadly not though; all of a sudden the catwalk was awash with a strange dove grey and blue check. Then followed a bright coral, and shortly after a bright blue in the form of a strange pajama-esque set (and not in my leggings and T kind of way). There were also lots of loafers. Now, I don’t mind a loafer, but if we’re all gonna suffer trotting from one side of the city to the other, in the cold and rain in towering heels then I expect the models to do so too (and yes, I know I’m a big fat hypocrite because I chickened out and wore flats yesterday, but that’s not the point)! Somewhere in-between all of this there was a cute satin embellished dress, but it go lost somewhere in the sea of check and mohair. It was less of a collection, and more like a trip round H&M. If only he’d have stuck to the black.

Erdem was undoubtedly the golden ticket today – it was the show everyone wanted to go to, and the one everyone was raving about (always the way)! When the Editors returned to the office there was talk of near tears and breathless beauty….it seemed he’d hit the fashion nail on the head. Eagerly I searched for the first pictures to appear on-line, and I can’t say I’m disappointed. Blown away would probably be a more accurate description. As I clicked through the images I could feel my heart rate rise – like ripping open presents on your birthday, one after another after another, the painfully perfect, neat, precise little dresses kept appearing as if by magic. If I were rich – I’d buy the whole collection – 30 stand-out show-stopping outfits for every occasion – weddings, garden parties, birthdays, engagements – everything would be covered! Perfection.

Now, this was a confused collection if ever I bumped into one. It started off with some rather nice, very wearable, Osman at his best black jersey dresses. A few looks in I was wondering whether he was going to pick up the baton from his SS10 collection which was all white, and do the all black thing this time. Sadly not though; all of a sudden the catwalk was awash with a strange dove grey and blue check. Then followed a bright coral, and shortly after a bright blue in the form of a strange pajama-esque set (and not in my leggings and T kind of way). There were also lots of loafers. Now, I don’t mind a loafer, but if we’re all gonna suffer trotting from one side of the city to the other, in the cold and rain in towering heels then I expect the models to do so too (and yes, I know I’m a big fat hypocrite because I chickened out and wore flats yesterday, but that’s not the point)! Somewhere in-between all of this there was a cute satin embellished dress, but it go lost somewhere in the sea of check and mohair. It was less of a collection, and more like a trip round H&M. If only he’d have stuck to the black.

Erdem was undoubtedly the golden ticket today – it was the show everyone wanted to go to, and the one everyone was raving about (always the way)! When the Editors returned to the office there was talk of near tears and breathless beauty….it seemed he’d hit the fashion nail on the head. Eagerly I searched for the first pictures to appear on-line, and I can’t say I’m disappointed. Blown away would probably be a more accurate description. As I clicked through the images I could feel my heart rate rise – like ripping open presents on your birthday, one after another after another, the painfully perfect, neat, precise little dresses kept appearing as if by magic. If I were rich – I’d buy the whole collection – 30 stand-out show-stopping outfits for every occasion – weddings, garden parties, birthdays, engagements – everything would be covered! Perfection.
Christopher Kane,
I want NOW,
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Sunday.....was not a day of rest
Urgh - I've been in technological HELL for the last 24 hours. It was at about this time last night that I headed East to re-fuel (i.e. have my first hot meal in 2 days), and update my blog. 24 hours later (and with the help of amazing IT god from work) it's up! Apparently I was attempting to load videos of epic proportion....oops! Anyway - a day after every other fashion blog in the universe, here is what I saw, loved and wasn't so sure about yesterday!
p.s. After 3 hours of faffing around with this I passed out in bed with a family size pack of Doritos and missed the Mulberry and Westwood parties last night - loser!
OMG – so, there’s no other news to go in on, other than that I was with in, well, sneezing distance of Janet Jackson! Yes, of all people you don’t expect to see at LFW – let alone at the Todd Lynn show! She just came from nowhere. One minute I was sitting there handing out grapes from the bottom of my Prada, the next there were a million photographers jumping each other to try and get to someone. When Fleur from Oasis said it was Janet I honestly thought she was taking the piss (just seconds earlier she’d said it was Whitney, so you can hardly blame me)! Anyway, there she was, Janet bloody Jackson sitting right there in front of me….madness, madness I tell you. Needless to say I can hardly recall a thing about the collection because I spent the whole time starring at her and trying to remember to breath! Anyway, apart from that I’ve been a rather busy and productive girl today…especially considering I’ve only had FOUR hours sleep – sick. I’ve just popped home to eat, try and have a nap (which now ain’t gonna happen) and generally re-group before the parties tonight and I’m finding it hard to remember what I’ve done today. Have just looked through my pics though and it seems my day has been something like this…
9am – Betty Jackson
10am – Richard Nicoll
11ish – back to the office to change my shoes and tights as I got drenched (shock horror my £11 pumps leak)
1 – Matthew Williamson
2.15 – Todd Lynn
3.30 – Mulberry presentation
4.30 – Julien Macdonald (which I missed as someone told me it had moved venues and it hadn’t – nice)!
6.15 – home to refuel and rest!
So, today I’ve been a bit obsessed with filming the shows on my FLIP – I hope you like. I just thought that I’m not great at getting pics….in my defence it’s quite hard because my camera’s not amazing (if anyone wants to donate one please feel free), and also I’m never really gonna get a clear shot from the 5th row! I thought it was quite nice and atmostpheric to do videos anyway though – ya know, hear the music, watch the models stomp and all that….so get your seasickness tablets at the ready, buckle your seatbelts and come on a fashion ride!
Might nightmare mess of a bedroom as I haven't been in it, awake, for more than 15 minutes for about a week
Today breakfast was free courtesy of the ‘Fashionista Soup Kitchen for poor and hungry fashion journalists’ aka. the press lounge in the BFC tent at Somerset house…
Betty Jackson
The show was far too pagan for me at times – head scarves and utilitarian lines. Some cute leather crop tops were the only nod to sex (but then even a nun wouldn’t go to Betty Jackson for raunch). There was some fluro orange fabric scarily like the one I brought in Zambia. The return or corduroy – the jury’s still out on that – it does tend to make me look a bit chunk of thigh – and a yummy droplet of double denim. Honestly there wasn’t anything I’d buy, BUT (yes, it is a big but) Betty Jackson’s a British fashion institution, and it was an honour to see her show.
Richard Nicoll
Velvet, bull dog clips jewellery (by Erikson Beamon), chiffon, burnt orange, ice blue, dusky blues, square satin back packs. Beautiful, sensual – a fashion masterclass, I WANT IT ALL!
Matthew Williamson
So, I had a standing ticket for MW – to be honest I was surprised to even get a ticket (until I got there and realised they’d literally invited anyone who’d ever uttered the word ‘Fashion’), so was just happy to be there. Standing turned out to be as good as FROW though, so I thought I’d take advantage and film the entire show for you. I’ve never really been a big Williamson fan to be honest – I’ve always thought of him as designing floaty dresses with annoying necklines which are only suitable for people with no boobs in annoyingly ethnic-ish butterfly print chiffon. Anyway, I eat my words – I was blown away. The collection was far more mature and interesting than I was expecting. Colour wise there were amazing electric blues, almost fluro fuscias, smouldering bronze and even black and grey! Print wise he’s thankfully moved on from the GAP year thing and they were a lot more abstract and complex. All in all I thought a lovely show and lovely collection – shut me up!
Todd Lynn
There were boys on the catwalk at Todd Lynn – sadly none of them were sexual, but was nice all the same! Now – I have to be honest, I was slightly distracted by La Jackson, but from what I can remember there were lots of clean lines, a neutral pallete – slate, grey, black, fur and S&M leather straps all over the shop. African and Japanese warriors were apparently a theme, and this was really visible in the coats and jackets which ranged from leather and suede skin-tight armour to crazy-big shouldered Mongolian-stylee fur numbers– Wooha!
There are no words for how excited I was - still can't believe I was in the same room, breathing the same air as JJ. Apparently Todd did the clothes for her last tour so she flew in especially - amazing!
The ever fabulous Stefan Lindemann (aka Matchy Matchy) and super-stylish photographer Chiko Ohayon in the cab on the way to Mulberry
Mulberry Presentation
This is SO cute. It was only a presentation, but was honestly one of my fave fashion week moments. There was such a fun, vibrant atmosphere (jungle book sound track - utter GENIUS), and I LOVE the collection. It's all so cute and wearable, definitely my fave Mulberry shoes so far - the fluro coral ones were so beautiful. There and then I decided I want to be Mulberry girl...maybe I'll see if they'll sponsor me?! Also - this so isn't me, but how cute is the doggy!
This is Gemma Kimmings. I spotted her working in the MAC drop-in pod in the BFC tent and I was totally taken with her earring. I couldn't believe it when she told me she made it herself - how amazing - so much talent about.
p.s. After 3 hours of faffing around with this I passed out in bed with a family size pack of Doritos and missed the Mulberry and Westwood parties last night - loser!
OMG – so, there’s no other news to go in on, other than that I was with in, well, sneezing distance of Janet Jackson! Yes, of all people you don’t expect to see at LFW – let alone at the Todd Lynn show! She just came from nowhere. One minute I was sitting there handing out grapes from the bottom of my Prada, the next there were a million photographers jumping each other to try and get to someone. When Fleur from Oasis said it was Janet I honestly thought she was taking the piss (just seconds earlier she’d said it was Whitney, so you can hardly blame me)! Anyway, there she was, Janet bloody Jackson sitting right there in front of me….madness, madness I tell you. Needless to say I can hardly recall a thing about the collection because I spent the whole time starring at her and trying to remember to breath! Anyway, apart from that I’ve been a rather busy and productive girl today…especially considering I’ve only had FOUR hours sleep – sick. I’ve just popped home to eat, try and have a nap (which now ain’t gonna happen) and generally re-group before the parties tonight and I’m finding it hard to remember what I’ve done today. Have just looked through my pics though and it seems my day has been something like this…
9am – Betty Jackson
10am – Richard Nicoll
11ish – back to the office to change my shoes and tights as I got drenched (shock horror my £11 pumps leak)
1 – Matthew Williamson
2.15 – Todd Lynn
3.30 – Mulberry presentation
4.30 – Julien Macdonald (which I missed as someone told me it had moved venues and it hadn’t – nice)!
6.15 – home to refuel and rest!
So, today I’ve been a bit obsessed with filming the shows on my FLIP – I hope you like. I just thought that I’m not great at getting pics….in my defence it’s quite hard because my camera’s not amazing (if anyone wants to donate one please feel free), and also I’m never really gonna get a clear shot from the 5th row! I thought it was quite nice and atmostpheric to do videos anyway though – ya know, hear the music, watch the models stomp and all that….so get your seasickness tablets at the ready, buckle your seatbelts and come on a fashion ride!
The show was far too pagan for me at times – head scarves and utilitarian lines. Some cute leather crop tops were the only nod to sex (but then even a nun wouldn’t go to Betty Jackson for raunch). There was some fluro orange fabric scarily like the one I brought in Zambia. The return or corduroy – the jury’s still out on that – it does tend to make me look a bit chunk of thigh – and a yummy droplet of double denim. Honestly there wasn’t anything I’d buy, BUT (yes, it is a big but) Betty Jackson’s a British fashion institution, and it was an honour to see her show.
Richard Nicoll
Velvet, bull dog clips jewellery (by Erikson Beamon), chiffon, burnt orange, ice blue, dusky blues, square satin back packs. Beautiful, sensual – a fashion masterclass, I WANT IT ALL!
Matthew Williamson
So, I had a standing ticket for MW – to be honest I was surprised to even get a ticket (until I got there and realised they’d literally invited anyone who’d ever uttered the word ‘Fashion’), so was just happy to be there. Standing turned out to be as good as FROW though, so I thought I’d take advantage and film the entire show for you. I’ve never really been a big Williamson fan to be honest – I’ve always thought of him as designing floaty dresses with annoying necklines which are only suitable for people with no boobs in annoyingly ethnic-ish butterfly print chiffon. Anyway, I eat my words – I was blown away. The collection was far more mature and interesting than I was expecting. Colour wise there were amazing electric blues, almost fluro fuscias, smouldering bronze and even black and grey! Print wise he’s thankfully moved on from the GAP year thing and they were a lot more abstract and complex. All in all I thought a lovely show and lovely collection – shut me up!
Todd Lynn
There were boys on the catwalk at Todd Lynn – sadly none of them were sexual, but was nice all the same! Now – I have to be honest, I was slightly distracted by La Jackson, but from what I can remember there were lots of clean lines, a neutral pallete – slate, grey, black, fur and S&M leather straps all over the shop. African and Japanese warriors were apparently a theme, and this was really visible in the coats and jackets which ranged from leather and suede skin-tight armour to crazy-big shouldered Mongolian-stylee fur numbers– Wooha!
Mulberry Presentation
This is SO cute. It was only a presentation, but was honestly one of my fave fashion week moments. There was such a fun, vibrant atmosphere (jungle book sound track - utter GENIUS), and I LOVE the collection. It's all so cute and wearable, definitely my fave Mulberry shoes so far - the fluro coral ones were so beautiful. There and then I decided I want to be Mulberry girl...maybe I'll see if they'll sponsor me?! Also - this so isn't me, but how cute is the doggy!
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Just another fashion week - cut knees, ticket thieves, old friends, new friends and lots of booze
Whadda-day, whadda-day, whadda-day. After a shaky start (literally, I feel over and cut my knee, and a French exchange student laughed at me, so I maturely starred her out then told her to fuck off) – I’ve had an absolutely fan-bloody-tastic day.
You won’t be surprised to hear that I didn’t make it to my first too shows….in fact, I didn’t make it to my third either, because I’m a shit Londoner and never know where anything is and got on the wrong bus! I therefore started my day with cocktails at Somerset house with the gorgeous Angel Jackson girls. Whilst there I met (well, actually kinda accosted) stylist extraordinaire Anna Trevelyan, and made a total prat out of myself telling her how jealous I am that her blog has a disclaimer before you can enter it – smooth, so smooth. After really embarrassingly over staying my welcome (nothing worse that a loiterer, eh) I eventually stumbled to Leicester square for the Alice screening….to realise (i.e. actually read the ticket properly) that I was a day late – twat! Anyway, all’s well that ends well. I made up for my lack of show action by hitting Ann-Sofie Back and PPQ. Get this; I was at queuing to get into th PPQ show and some stole my ticket…can you believe it???? We’d got through the main door into the tent, and then we were just queuing again to get into the actual space. I had my ticket tied to my arm (don’t ask, was tipsy, thought it was a bright idea), and I took my jacket off for a picture (the jumpsuit was properly working for me today – got papped loads….sadly mainly by student papers and other blogs….French Vogue – where art thou???), and my ticket dropped on the floor. Next thing I know some blonde bitch with a Calvin Klein shopping bag has swiped it! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I went storming off to find her and couldn’t, told the pr’s and they said I wasn’t the only one – madness! People, watch your goodie bags! In fact, with people like that about watch your accessories too! Anyway, polished off the day with a bit of a boogie (and by breaking 3 glasses) at the PPQ after party. After only eating an almond croissant all day, and drinking almost constantly since 3 in the afternoon I’ve finally hit (literally) the sack……Ahhhh, what a lovely day though – I met SO many beautiful, talented, generally gorgeous people…love fashion week, love fashion people….kinda hate my shoes!
p.s. meant to be at Betty Jackson at 9am….wish me luck! xxx
My one meal of the day, breakfast on the bus - how glam, not!
My cut knee, boo hoo - the shame, the shame!
Me and Felicity my soulmate meet at last. Love her, love all the Angel Jackson girls - everyone should buy their gorgeous bags! (p.s. please note my 'pimped' AJ bag)!
Um, how much am I loving! It's a friggin holster man!
Mary from The Uniform project blog. Thought she looked AWESOME.
Lovely Holly Fulton necklaces....yes please!
SUPER-skinny model at Sofie-Ann Back...eek!
Fierce earring - part robo-cop, part bluetooth headset - full-on sex!
Crazy greasy, 3-week old hair at Ann-Sofie Back show...I will never (intentionally) be doing this to mine!
A bum
Hhhmmmm....not sure this look will translate well to the high-street.....can you imagine the Primark version!
The only full look I actually liked at Ann-Sofie Back - can't resist a bit of double denim action.
Gorgeous Julia my housemate in her pimped out Harpers Mercedes....alright for some!
Mr Gaga! No, not really, but you get what I mean. Not sure how I feel about are very sweet though!
Jodie Harsh being out-wigged at PPQ - Hilar!
A Fashion Ed in the PPQ FROW dressed as a box of chocolates....odd....
Jo Wood in the PPQ FROW - celeb spot of the day
The PPQ show. Sadly nothing too exciting - typical PPQ, nice, wearable, 80's-ish, black and gold dresses. Blah.
Lee McQueen tribute in BFC tent. Too sad.
Me and the one and only, utterly fabulous Theo at PPQ party. LOVE this boy - he always has a face full of glitter and a heart full of love and mischief.
My good friend Lou, and the soon-to-be-famous-watch-this-name Rian Peters both in MJ T-shirts - I felt very left out!
Rian's superb-for-a-straight-boy shoes....smokin!
I heart your high-top!
My friend Francis (who runs MyTailoredSuit with 3 of our other friends - check it out) and fabulous new PR friend Sunshine
Me....drunk....wearing Rian's hat....was seen shortly after doing a chicken dance and professing my love for a dyson hand dryer....dignified
You won’t be surprised to hear that I didn’t make it to my first too shows….in fact, I didn’t make it to my third either, because I’m a shit Londoner and never know where anything is and got on the wrong bus! I therefore started my day with cocktails at Somerset house with the gorgeous Angel Jackson girls. Whilst there I met (well, actually kinda accosted) stylist extraordinaire Anna Trevelyan, and made a total prat out of myself telling her how jealous I am that her blog has a disclaimer before you can enter it – smooth, so smooth. After really embarrassingly over staying my welcome (nothing worse that a loiterer, eh) I eventually stumbled to Leicester square for the Alice screening….to realise (i.e. actually read the ticket properly) that I was a day late – twat! Anyway, all’s well that ends well. I made up for my lack of show action by hitting Ann-Sofie Back and PPQ. Get this; I was at queuing to get into th PPQ show and some stole my ticket…can you believe it???? We’d got through the main door into the tent, and then we were just queuing again to get into the actual space. I had my ticket tied to my arm (don’t ask, was tipsy, thought it was a bright idea), and I took my jacket off for a picture (the jumpsuit was properly working for me today – got papped loads….sadly mainly by student papers and other blogs….French Vogue – where art thou???), and my ticket dropped on the floor. Next thing I know some blonde bitch with a Calvin Klein shopping bag has swiped it! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I went storming off to find her and couldn’t, told the pr’s and they said I wasn’t the only one – madness! People, watch your goodie bags! In fact, with people like that about watch your accessories too! Anyway, polished off the day with a bit of a boogie (and by breaking 3 glasses) at the PPQ after party. After only eating an almond croissant all day, and drinking almost constantly since 3 in the afternoon I’ve finally hit (literally) the sack……Ahhhh, what a lovely day though – I met SO many beautiful, talented, generally gorgeous people…love fashion week, love fashion people….kinda hate my shoes!
p.s. meant to be at Betty Jackson at 9am….wish me luck! xxx
The PPQ show. Sadly nothing too exciting - typical PPQ, nice, wearable, 80's-ish, black and gold dresses. Blah.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Gimme an L....
...Gimme an F, Gimme a W...a press pass, a trizillion glasses of champers, and a month long hangover! Yes it's that time again, LFW is here…let the fun and games commence!
To think that this time last week I was sipping Mosi under the starry African sky, and now I’m in Dalston discussing the merits of Tosho shoes over Rupert Sanderson boots, and playing show ticket Top Trumps with Julia my Fashion Assistant housemate. Gotta say I’m mucho excited this season though (despite the fact it’s like -30 outside and I’m probably gonna catch pneumonia because I can’t afford cabs); I have my blog, my tailor-made Zambian outfits, and an awesome new fringe - so bring it on! I’m planning to hit fashion week hard, so keep tuned for lots of gossip and bitching….sorry, I mean Insider facts and show reports!
I am having a bit of a dilemma re my schedule tomorrow though....well a pair of problems really…
1. The first show I have a ticket for is Charles Anastase show at 10am. To be honest I’m really thinking I can't be fucked. I know I should go, but It's been a beyond long week, I’ve hardly slept through stress and general post-holiday disorientation, and I think I could do with a bit of a lie-in. BUT then feel like a bit of a shit for not going, and Julia's getting up for Daks at 9! They’ve only given me a standing ticket though, so I’m kinda thinking bugger it....
2. I have tickets for the official Alice in Wonderland screening - I’m desperate to see it - it's 3D, Johnny Depp (dreamy dreamy, mmm mmm mmm) is the Mad Hatter, and I think it's just what I need to take my mind of what a ghastly week I’ve just had! The problem is the screenings at 6.15, and it means I’ll miss the Ann-Sofie Back show at 7, which I also really wanna see!
Eek - decisions decisions, what to do - advice, please, now!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Two sisters, one cat, a camera and 5 African outfits
Now – let me just make one thing clear – I’m under no illusions that I’m in anyway model material. Me and my sister Sophie did however get a teensy bit carried away on Sunday, and decided to do a little shoot so I could show off my new Zambian outfits…well it wouldn’t have been fair to shoot them on the hanger now would it!

Forget the high street....
Obviously I didn’t spend my whole time in Zambia sunbathing, eating mangos and drinking Mosi’s….I also managed to squeeze in a bit of shopping and a couple of trips to the tailors. African prints are going to be massive this summer, so I thought I’d seize the opportunity to not only get the real deal, but also knock up some show-stopping, one off, Sisi G outfits…
Nell and Granny took me down to Lusaka to by my Chitenge’s. Here’s Nell looking rather impatient and pissed off as I dragged her into the millionth shop in the midday sun to umm and ahh and generally be very indecisive.
This is me proudly grasping my 4 meters of fabric C19 which was later to become THE best jumpsuit in the world EVER! I thought it had something of the Versace about it....fabulous!
This is the treasure trove, Aladdin’s cave of a Tailors which Nell’s cousin recommended. She was so good I’ve already asked her to make my wedding dress (obvs might need to actually find a man first – minor details though)
They have look books of pictures of Nigerian women at weddings – they range from the outstanding to the outrageous…sometimes in the same outfit! I trawled about 3 books before falling for this pattern.
Ta-da! Here I am happy as larry in my dream jumpsuit during a fitting. Perfection, non?
God – it all really made me long for good decent tailors in London. Just before I left I got the hem on my maxi dress taken up at the dry cleaners opposite work, and was charged a f-ing outrageous £18 for the pleasure! To have 1 jumpsuit, a skirt, top, short dress and maxi dress expertly tailored in Zambia only cost £40 though….what a bloody joke!
God – it all really made me long for good decent tailors in London. Just before I left I got the hem on my maxi dress taken up at the dry cleaners opposite work, and was charged a f-ing outrageous £18 for the pleasure! To have 1 jumpsuit, a skirt, top, short dress and maxi dress expertly tailored in Zambia only cost £40 though….what a bloody joke!
African prints,
Big old boast,
Tailor made,
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