They came in two heavenly flavours – ginger and my personal fave, chocolate and orange. I enjoyed them for breakfast for 3 consecutive days...what a lush!

The first delivery came courtesy of the lovely ladies at Selfridges. They were from Lola’s (who are edging in to poll position as my absolute fave cupcakers in London). It took me approximately 5 seconds to make my choice…the red velvet had my lips all over it! For those wondering I can confirm it was utterly divine…..in fact it was beyond devine, for the 2 ½ minutes it took me to polish it off I was floating somewhere above my desk in cake nirvana.

Hardly 24 hours later the courier room emailed to say I had yet more cakey delights awaiting. Thank you fabulous Harvey Nic’s for sending over your deeeelish goodies. The cupcakes were by Pudding Cook from the HN foodhall, and came in sticky toffee pudding and prune icing, Belgium dark and white chocolate with chocolate brownie pieces, Gingerbread and orange, Lemon and raspberry ripple, Chocolate dipped strawberry and Vanilla and marshmallow. Well, in all my cupcaking days I’ve never seen such finger-licking combinations, so, for you, my dear reader, I tried 3 of them! Now, I don’t like to play favourites, BUT, the sticky toffee pudding one had a gooey centre….so obvs that was my fave!

This week, I’m adding donuts to my impressive ‘no longer giving a fuck cos calorie counting’s shit innit’ repertoire. We all know that when it comes to the fried nut of dough there’s only one name you need to know about, so thank you Krispy Kreme for sustaining my ill-advised dessert-based-diet by sending me not one, but TWO boxes of your very finest. You’ll be happy to hear I enjoyed a classic glazed with a lemon meringue pie chaser - YUM!
To conclude (for those wishing to join my cakey revolution)….
Baked goods = good (it’s all in the name – duh)
Calorie counting = bad (maths is shit, ergo so is calorie counting – you see?)
I’m off for dinner in a Yurt tonight (don’t ask….I don’t even know what a Yurt is)!! So stay tuned for more foodie fun!
Don't forget 13th July please.