So, the awards season’s here – hoorah – for tis no better time to mock the rich and famous than this. Last night Hollywood’s great and good trotted down the red carpet for the Golden Globes, dolled up to the nines – or even tens in some very special cases. So f the awards (they’re all a fix anyway, no?), let’s get down to the nitty gritty of who we still love and shall try to imitate at every given opportunity from now on, and who we’ve lost all respect for and will never pay to see in a movie again.
I’ll start with the bad because let’s be honest, it’s more fun. I’ve split them into the following groups – Fallen fashion icons; I think your stylist hates you, and, Eek you’ve been in Hollywood too long.
Fallen fashion icons
I’ll start with the bad because let’s be honest, it’s more fun. I’ve split them into the following groups – Fallen fashion icons; I think your stylist hates you, and, Eek you’ve been in Hollywood too long.
Fallen fashion icons
I’m sad to say that two of my favourite ladies are in this category. Chloe Sevigny and Diane Kruger are usually known for their brave and exciting fashion choices, but last night I’m afraid they both missed the mark.
Like most fashionistas I’m usually a great advocate of Chloe ‘how the hell do you pronounce her surname’ Sevigny, but last night she looked like an ornamental napkin in a hideous Valentino number. No no no!
Diane Kruger lost her usual sultry spark in this Christian Lacroix Barbie doll special. Maybe it’s just me, but it looks like something I dreamt up when I was 5, and I just don’t think it does her justice. She does however win the prize for best arm-candy – HOW HOT has Joshua Jackson got. In fact, I take it all back – Diane, good work!
I think your stylist hates you…

“Yeah, Pen. Well at least I don’t look like I’ve come dressed as Spanish loo roll holder”
Ok – well apart from the visible slip I do actually like Marion Cotillard’s Christian Dior number. I just can’t get down with Penelope Cruz in this Giorgio Armani Privé dress. It’s just too much.

Eek, you’ve been in Hollywood too long

The Good
And over to the other side we go – to the good, beautiful, stylish, elegant dresses and suits which we’d wear if ever a. invited anywhere quite glamorous, and b. we had the money/ were important enough to be leant it.
This lot have been split into the following sub-groups –A bit boring but gorgeous nonetheless and Interesting and elegant – top fashion points. There are only two groups as sadly, there were far fewer well dressed celebs last night (I’m hoping they’re saving the big guns for the Oscars)!
This lot have been split into the following sub-groups –A bit boring but gorgeous nonetheless and Interesting and elegant – top fashion points. There are only two groups as sadly, there were far fewer well dressed celebs last night (I’m hoping they’re saving the big guns for the Oscars)!
A bit boring but gorgeous nonetheless

Interesting and elegant – top fashion points

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